Approach procedures
- Preparing for the approach
- Preflight
- 6T’s - each fix
- Approach chart review
- Approach clearance
- You must be cleared for the approach before executing
- Executing the approach
- You must have at least a textual approach plate with you to execute the approach
- Straight-in approach
- Use of ATC radar for approaches
- Approaches which require a course reversal
- Used when necessary to reverse your direction to align aircraft with the final approach course
- If a procedure turn is charted, you must fly the procedure turn
- Exceptions
- Controller clears you for a straight in
- “No PT”
- Vectors to final
- Timed approach from a holding fix
- Hold in lieu
- Timed approaches from a holding fix
- You are given a time to depart the holding fix inbound
- Adjust your holding pattern to leave the fix at the given time
- Final approach
- Tamall
- Start looking for the runway
- Circling approaches
- Circling from the final approach course to reach your desired runway
- Must remain at or above circling MDA until you can make a normal descent for landing
- Must remain 1.3 NM radius from the end of all runways in “category A”
- Sidestep maneuver
- May be necessary where there are two parallel runways
- Follow approach course to one runway then sidestep to the other as soon as possible when in sight
- Missed approach procedures
- Execute when over the missed approach point and runway not in sight → Fly to the hold
- Contact approach (AIM 5 - 4 - 25)
- Something you can request if you are clear of clouds and 1 SM visibility
- ATC can't initiate it, you must request it
- Used in lieu with an IAP, you can proceed to land in visual conditions
- You are responsible for obstacle clearance
- ATC provides separation from IFR and SVFR traffic, not VFR
- Visual approach (AIM 5 - 4 -23)
- IFR procedure that authorizes a pilot to proceed visually and clear of clouds
- ATC can assign it or you can request it
- You must have airport or proceeding identified aircraft in sight
- Weather must be at least 1000 foot ceilings and 3 SM visibility
- VFR cloud clearance not applicable
- No missed approach, only go around
- If you report proceeding aircraft in sight, you are responsible for traffic separation
- Approach types
- Precision approach
- ILS: instrument landing system
- PAR: precision approach radar
- MLS: microwave landing system (none in USA since 2008)
- Non-precision approach
- LOC → localizer
- VOR → vhf omnidirectional range
- NBD → non directional radio beacon
- ASR → airport surveillance radar
- LDA → localizer type directional AID
- SDF → simplified directional facility
- RNAV → area navigation
- APV - approach with vertical guidance
- Does not meet precision approach standards
- LPV → localizer performance with vertical guidance
- Lnav/Vnav → lateral/vertical navigation
- baro-Vnav → uses aircraft's altimeter to compute and present a glide path to the pilot
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